
Showing posts from May, 2017

The True Meaning Of Memorial Day

Here is a letter my father wrote about Memorial Day and those who died serving this great country. My dad served and never forgot those many heroes. His name: George V. Hill, Sr. He died in 2007 just seven months after he wrote this. On Monday, we celebrate Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day. To my mind, this is not a day of celebration, but a day of solemn remembrances of those who made the supreme sacrifice in the name of freedom. It seems to me that Memorial Day has lost much of its meaning while we talk about department store shopping sprees, visits to the mall and outdoor picnics, all of course fitting and proper for any Saturday afternoon day of fun, but not for Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a day to hang out our flag, and to hear speeches honoring our brave soldiers from all wars from Valley Forge to Gettysburg to D-Day and Corregidor, Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East. True Americans have always answered the call of duty, and as they say, we fight for mom,